In my line of work, I come in contact and become friends with many Muslims. Like any religion, there are people who conform its teachings to what they already want to believe, and there are those who believe its basics but it doesn't really direct their lives, and there are those who genuinely seek to practice the truth that can be found. I have yet to encounter any Muslims who practice it in the radical extreme that many of us have come to fear; most actually resent that kind of practice the way many Christians resent Westboro Baptist Church, as lost people who do not truly understand yet give the whole group a bad name. In fact, the majority of my Muslim friends view me as a sister in the monotheistic triumverate.
Because these are people for whom I care, it grieves me whenever I hear sweeping generalizations about how evil Islam is and its followers. People who do not study it as a practice to worship God pluck verses to prove their points just as people like to do to say, "Aha!" to find flaws in the Bible. As someone who really wants to roll my eyes when that is done to me and my faith, I am sensitive when it is done regarding other faiths, whether it is one I understand at all or not. So, I find myself frequently defending Islam to my friends or on on-line forums.
But here's the fact of the matter: Jesus says in John, "I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me." To me, that solidifies, along with other examples, that there are not many paths to God. It would certainly be much more comfortable for me to believe that we could all find our own path, and that being a generally good person will get myself as well as all my friends into an eternity in the presence of God. I rather like that idea, as a matter of fact. But Jesus is pretty clear here. He says He is THE way. None of us can find our way to the Father without Him, and really, if we could, then His sacrifice on the cross would be for nothing. Why suffer on my behalf if I can be in God's perfect presence any old way that suits me? Of course we all like to pick and choose our goodness because it's so much easier to conform our faith to who we already are than to conform our lives to who Jesus calls us to be.
Muslims do believe in the Divinity of Christ, but they do not believe He is our Savior. They believe He is a Prophet, and this means they reject that Jesus is The Way. Perhaps my grief would be better placed that my friends do not see The Truth. I suspect that I will continue to defend my friends, because all too often, the statements against Islam are made with gleeful anger that is unacceptable to me, no matter to whom it is directed. Yet I think it is time I spend less time arguing, and more time praying for salvation for everyone who has not found Christ, Muslim or otherwise, and that the people who have allowed their hearts to be filled with hate to find grace. If I really love them, it will do them more good to have their eyes opened, than for me to convince somebody that they're not all jerks. Where will that leave them- and me- when standing before the Master?
I agree, so you are very smart. If you make a religious battle with words, you need to expect to receive some shots too. Jesus used words, but it is actions that showed us that He is the Master and The Way. Jesus said many times that if you know the Father, then you would know who He is. If we must be correct ...let our actions be correct and Godly. This will win the debate before words. It will even stop the hate and fear, because hate is not correct and Godly and Paul states quite well in Romans 8:15, 'For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship.'