Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his
deeds in the gentleness of wisdom.
-James 3:13
One of the things I loved about Margaret Mitchell's Gone With the Wind was the passage describing how Scarlett O'Hara wanted all her neighbors to think she was kind and generous, and imagined them calling her "Lady Bountiful." She didn't want to DO the things that would give her that reputation; she just wanted it, with no effort on her part.
How often have I had similar thoughts? I want everyone to think I'm kind and gentle. I want people to flock to me, seeking my quiet, infallible wisdom. Yet, I don't want to have to practice self-control. I want to say the zingers that will put people in their place! I want to do what I want and have everything work how I would dictate, without having to consider any consequences! Isn't it frustrating that this is not how it works?
To make matters worse, even if we do take the time to practice gentleness or love, we want everyone to notice. It really does diminish the good behavior when we make a point to point it out. Yet, if we need the approval of men, what does that make our motive? Is the reputation the end result?
It is very hard for me to be gentle. I must remind myself on a daily basis to put God's wisdom into practice. In fact, if you think about it, please pray for me! When Jesus called the Pharisees names, it was appropriate and accurate. When I want to call people names, it's usually just because they've annoyed me or made me mad. And that usually comes because my pride has somehow been injured. if people don't acknowledge my infinite intellect and rightness which I speak, why is that so important to me? If I live my life adhering to my beliefs, whether they are political, religious, environmental, or whatever, the good things and blessing that grow from that should be sufficient. God knows my good deeds. I shouldn't have a pressing need to make sure everyone else sees them and administers proper glorification.
What do you think?